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Nov 29, 2014

Let Us Give Thanks, Even When Times are Tough

By: Allie Frick
   One of the hardest things I have had to learn over the past two years is to allow others to help me. Those that know me know that I am not one to ask for help, or to accept help from others. When I am sick, hurt or even when a task seems too difficult for one arm I still will not want help. Yes, I look crazy trying to carry large items or tying my shoes.  But, when people ask if I need anything or if I am okay, my response usually is always that I am fine or no worries, I am good. Call it pride or just straight up stubborn, but I just see it as weakness accepting help from others.
   This month, for those that do not know, marks my two year "ampiversary", aka, two years since my accident. It was extremely hard this month. Call it ironic or just straight up bad luck; but the dog I was training as my service dog was killed on Nov. 15th, which was the same day as my accident. Some say it was just a dog, why be so upset? Others like me, understand the loss. But it was more than the loss of a dog; to me, it represented a series of bad luck that seems to never end. From brain surgery, amputation, finding out there is a rare chance I will have kids to lastly my dog getting killed on that same dreaded day. Of course for those that know me, know there has been plenty more events along the way.
   If you have read my previous blogs you know I believe that everything happens for a reason. I know God will not give you more than you can handle. In the big scheme of things, I think man God must think I'm wicked strong! I try to read about the life of Job to tell myself check this dude out! Your life has not endured anywhere near the amount he went through!
   But there are times your strength deflates and your humor subsides and life tries to crush you. That was one of those days. I was just like realllllly! Come On! Of all days really? You chose the day of my wreck for my dog to die. I know again dogs die everyday, before you start rolling your eyes at the screen. Yea I see you!
   Let me just back up for you. Most that know me know of my sarcasm and my great sense of humor about with all life has thrown at me. Being that as it may, I will go ahead and openly say that I suffer Major Depression, Panic Attacks,Insomnia along with Severe Phantom Limb Pain and my therapists claim PTSD.  I feel that its strong to say PTSD because when I hear it I think of our troops. But not many people know all of this unless you are close to me and ask haha. I just like to keep it private and buried. But its real and difficult to overcome. Yes I pray, go to therapy, went to many docs and tried medicine. But its still very real!
   Over the years I have had amputees come to me wanting help in dealing with their lives. I am very honest with them in that they must stay strong, be positive in your actions and thinking and most important plant your faith so your feet are on solid ground. If not, it can eat you alive!
  One of the things I had others like me, mention, was the help of a service dog. So looked into it, after all I love dogs! I couldn't believe it! There was a five year wait lists for a dog! The other option was to pay between $10,000 to $30,000 for a dog! I was like, yeaaaah OK! Ive got that in my back pocket! Psssh that is just crazy, I could not believe it! I started talking with others in the service dog community, to those that have trained their own dog. I decided that would be the route I would try. I found a beautiful dog on Facebook and got to work. He was a great dog! But unfortunately was hit by a vehicle. I will not go into that.

   After I lost Samson, my pup, I woke up one morning and saw where my neighbors, Jeff and Jim had decided to reach out to people in hopes for a new dog. I was quite upset and yet in awe when I first saw the post.  I could not believe he was taking up money for me, I was embarrassed at what people would say. Here it was the Holiday season and he is begging for money, for me a dog! But he, of course, told me to mind my own business and let God work. It is unreal how hard it has been. But it opened up an amazing door. Amanda, who I have known since a child started on a mission in getting me the perfect dog who is properly trained! I just could not believe the response from the community from those I do not even know or have not seen in years! This Thanksgiving has truly been a season for me in awe of thanks to all of those helping me along this journey!
   One of the things that Facebooker's have messaged me about was, "Why do you need a Service Dog?" In my head I am saying, "Why do you need two arms?" Of course I do not say that haha I know its hard for people to grasp the idea unless your in that situation. Just like people like to say, "I would jump in front of a bullet for you!" No you would not. You would run screaming like a girl! Then text me to see if I made it out alive. Ha! You do not know how you would act or feel until your in those shoes. I have provided some information below on my reasoning in a Service Dog, along with a few video demonstrations I have found on YouTube. I hope they help you.
   There are just so many ways that a Service Dog would enrich my life and make it easier! I will do my best to explain. Before you ask, I thought she has a prosthetic?, What about that? Why isn't that enough? I do wear my prosthetic typically for activity purposes such as hunting. It is an amazing and beautifully crafted arm! I am so thankful I have it! But I have severe phantom pains that have yet to decrease. The arm in itself is heavy and I am okay wearing it for short periods but it just intensifies my nerve pain. Therefore, I unfortunately do not wear it as much as I would love to. 
    There are so many possibilities to a service dog, they are trained to your needs. To those that have or are thinking about giving, I do think you should know how you have blessed my life. For those that still do not get the need for a dog for help I challenge you to live life only using one arm for a week No cheating, you cannot ask for help, ha, it may help you understand more clearly.
     The dog will be my helping hand in more ways than one. When I have my hand full it is hard to do things such as open and close doors or turn on and off lights. I will give you a few examples. When leaving or entering the house for work I have a purse, lunchbox, keys in hand, a drink for work and such right? Well I still have to manage turning on or off the lights as well as closing or opening the door. Same goes if I'm trying to get in doors at work. The dog can be trained in turning the lights on and off as well as opening and closing doors. They are also trained to pick up items I drop or hold things for me such as a bag or lunchbox while doing things such as, unlocking or locking a door. Same goes for cabinets, drawers, refrigerator and such.

    In the house I moved into, it is basically built on top of a garage. Well my laundry room is in the basement. Can you pack a full laundry basket up and down steps one handed? Yes, it is a challenge! I am not going to lie, I have kicked the basket down the stairs in frustration countless times! haha. Well one of the benefits of a SD is they can actually train them to pull baskets up and down the stairs! They even can load and unload the laundry for you! I can manage that part but if only they could fold! Right?!
   One of my biggest problems is carrying groceries! If you ever see me do it you might freak out at how many I carry on one arm and my mouth! It is not pretty by any means. But when you have no choice then you just do what has to be done. Well a SD can help you carry groceries, shopping bags and luggage. How awesome?! My shoulder and back is already causing great issue due to weight distribution in carrying items and overuse of there only being one arm. This will help in prevention of blowing my shoulder or such injuries, which commonly happens in amputees.
   Those that know me or see me know I use my mouth as a hand. In opening, carrying or holding items. Well the Service Dog will help me look a little less crazy! I will feel a little less gross knowing the dog will be able to help me open items, he will be able to again also hold items for me. He will be wearing a pack that will also be used to carry items for me as well. Again, he will be my extra hand.
   He will go with me everywhere and be able to help in all kinds of situations. Even in my favorite hobbies such as hunting and fishing. In deer hunting he will be able to pull a deer on a deer sled or hold a fish, while I take him off the hook. He will even be trained to get help if I need it. Such as lose my balance in climbing a tree stand, which happens a lot!
  Service Dogs are not taken advantage of near enough! I get stared at enough. I know your thinking its because my dashing good looks. But some people actually just stare at my arm! I know I can not believe it myself. Well, I hate drawing anymore attention to myself, by not being able to take on or put on a jacket or sweatshirt gracefully. The dog will actually be able to help in putting on and taking off jackets or sweatshirts. As well as helping me zip up! Its crazy!
  When traveling it can be rather annoying zipping up luggage or traveling as hands free as possible through an airport. The dog will again be trained to help zip luggage as well as carry items or retrieve items for me in a bag or pocket when my hands are tied. The possibilities are endless, I tell you!
   Lastly there is the emotional and protection aspect. Service dogs are used a great deal in therapy. When anxiety is high and you feel a panic attack coming on they are there to calm you down. They can tell when your having a nightmare and will wake you from it and stay by your side. They are trained in PTSD and such as well. As I told you earlier I have severe Phantom Limb Pains. The dog will also aide in comfort to distract me from the pain. A dog is always there for you no matter what and will do what he can to make you smile if your having a bad day.
   Finally in being a young female when looking weak to the world by lacking a arm a dog provides comfort in the fact you are not alone. He will protect you till the end.
   I hope that this helps those out there who are thinking they are in need of the same care. It is nice to know this is an option for those in need. This is not an excuse to just take your dog everywhere. There are plenty of videos out there and so much more a service dog is capable of. I just wanted to share with you my reasoning in choosing a Service Dog.
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This blog is based upon my personal opinion and experiences. It is meant to be helpful by combining others experiences and successes with my own. The images and videos used I do not have permission to use, for some are not my own. Feel free to contact me if there is a issue and I will gladly remove it from the site. Lastly I am not responsible for any of the ads that may appear on the blog

Thank You.
Allie Frick


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