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    Deer season is one of the times I look forward to most each year. On November 15, 2012 when I woke up that morning ready to hunt, all I was thinking was I've got to get a big buck and some deer jerky! Amen? I did not expect my life to change forever! Next thing I know while driving home after hunting, in the blink of an eye I was flown to Vanderbilt, my car had crashed. I was told of the Miracle of Gods Amazing Grace in saving my life. Although my arm could not be saved and I had several broken bones, my left artery was severed and clotted on its own (God's hand). Therefore I am here to share my story, support others and also provide helping videos and books which have helped me throughout my journey.

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This blog is based upon my personal opinion and experiences. It is meant to be helpful by combining others experiences and successes with my own. The images and videos used I do not have permission to use, for some are not my own. Feel free to contact me if there is a issue and I will gladly remove it from the site. Lastly I am not responsible for any of the ads that may appear on the blog

Thank You.
Allie Frick


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