From my Mothers Eyes
Hey everyone I was talking with my mom Sunday after church about ideas for my blog. If you all would bare with me I have been trying to figure out ways to organize this blog. I would like to introduce my mother onto my site and have a parents point of view of the struggles they faced and what they went through when a child is hurting. I am not a parent therefore I do not know a mother and fathers love. Parents always wish they could take their child's place when their child is hurt in order to take their pain away. After my accident my parents did as well, although I made a joke with mom I am glad it was me that got hurt and not you. She has never done well with pain and we always joke about it. :)
I believe this will be beneficial to several parents out there. Their are many who struggle with their sick children or kids who are hurting and going through difficulties. The parents are often the ones that have to be strong for their children. Therefore they need someone to turn to and just vent and let it all out. I look forward to hearing from you all. I also hope to bring on my dad as well sometime if he is willing. I got to just do one thing at a time. Just pray I can figure out this whole blog site and again bare with me if you notice changes. I have a vision that I do not know how to configure ha!
This blog is based upon my personal opinion and experiences. It is meant to be helpful by combining others experiences and successes with my own. The images and videos used I do not have permission to use, for some are not my own. Feel free to contact me if there is a issue and I will gladly remove it from the site. Lastly I am not responsible for any of the ads that may appear on the blog
Thank You.
Allie Frick
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