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Feb 21, 2013

My Baby Girl - Part 1

 By: J. Suzette Frick

 "What I want from you is your true thanks; I want your promises fulfilled. I want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory." Psalms 50:15

     It’s around 8:30, November 15, 2012, and I am sitting at my desk in front of a wonderful couple who have been clients for several years.  Sara, my assistant, comes down the hall to my doorway and says, “Suzette, Allie has been in a very bad wreck.”  I froze with a fear that completely numbed my entire body.  I looked down at my cell and saw that I had a missed call and voice mail  from Allie; my baby girl. I thought, thank goodness, she can at least call me. I listened to the message and it wasn’t Allie. It was a young man who was passing by the accident telling me who he was and that my daughter had been in a very bad wreck. I called Allie’s father and he said he had also arrived at the scene and it looked as if her arm and elbow was really messed up and she was being airlifted to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN. 

    Sara took over my client meeting and I started gathering my things. It dawned on me to open my computer before I left the office and request prayer from my Face Book friends. I felt this would be a great way to have many people praying immediately.  It was amazing how the word spread.  All the sudden, I did not feel alone. 

     I left the office and went home to pack a few clothes. Hurriedly, I packed; not knowing exactly what I might need. I drove myself to Nashville with friends calling me along the way to check on me and offer help. I drove in a daze with tears streaming.  As I drove, I kept thinking, I bet they had to take her to Nashville to see an orthopedic surgeon if her elbow is in really bad condition.  Possibly, no doctor was available in the Paducah area at that time.  I tried to stay very positive, even though I knew I was driving to the Vanderbilt Trauma Center.  

                                           To be continued... 

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Thank You.
Allie Frick


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